One of top 5 tutors in Singapore is coaching students at Future Academy. High quality tuition is guaranteed.
Ms Chen (a.k.a tutorchen), as an ex-RGS teacher, one of our founding tutors of Future Academy, is ranked as one of top 5 tutors in Singapore, by Full article can be reached from here.

Being an experienced, passionate and professional tutor, she has more than 10 years experiences in teaching and tutoring. Her classes are always very popular. The common feedback we can get from students: “My results improved a lot and I really enjoyed Ms Chen’s lesson!”
Many students have been under her coaching before joining Future Academy. And she is high recommended by her students because of their significant improvement. Her qualifications can be found here:
Please contact us to find out more on her class schedule.
You can also visit her personal website to get more information on her. Here are some testimonials
Testimonial from IB Physics HL student
Student: Shanice Time: Year 2014 Subject: IB Physics HL
Improvement: scored 7, which is perfect score, in IB Exam 2014
Testimonial from International School Math student
Student: India Time: Year 2014 to current Subject: Math
Improvement: became the top student of the class after a few months under her coaching
Testimonial from O level pure Physics student
Student: Jastina Time: Year 2013 Subject: O level Pure Physics
Testimonial as Singapore Math Olympiad Tutor.
Student: Jerry Han Subject: Math Olympiad
Achievement: represented Singapore in International Math and Science Olympiad, awarded Gold Medal
Testimonial link:
Testimonial as Junior College Mathematics Tutor.
Student: Sarah Time: 2010 to 2011 Subject: Mathematics
Achievement: NUS student majoring in Applied Mathematics
Testimonial link:
Testimonial as Mathematics and Physics Tutor.
Student: Siling Time: Mar, 2011 – Oct, 2011 Subject: O Level Mathematics Achievement: From D7 to B3 in O level exam Testimonial link:
Student: Gordon Time: 2006-2009 Subject: Mathematics and Physics A Level
Achievement: Grade ‘A’ in both Mathematics and Physics A Level exam Testimonial Link:
Student: Valerie and Gordon Time: 2004-2005 Subject:A Level Mathematics and Physics
Achievement: ‘A’ in Math and ‘B’ in Physics Testimonial Link: