Mr Ooi

Mr Ooi

  • Specialist in Biology and Chemistry
  • Myriad experiences in teaching A Level and IB Biology,
  • Years of experiences in IP, GCSE, Secondary Biology and Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Life Sciences (NUS)
  • ACSI IB Programme Scholar, MOE Pre-U Full Scholarship

Experienced in teaching A Level Biology, Secondary Biology and Chemistry.

National University of Singapore (NUS) 

  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Life Sciences with specialisation in Molecular Cell Biology.
  • Graduated with 2nd Class Honours (Upper).
  • ACSI IB Programme Scholar, MOE Pre-U Full Scholarship


Why Primary 5 Is Ideal For Starting PSLE Preparation Tuition

Dear parent, do you have a child who is currently in primary school? Are you wondering when the best time to start preparing your child for PSLE is? Some parents may start their child in tuition or enrichment classes very early in primary school. These are great for supporting their learning, especially if the child [...]

Parents Guide For Primary 6: Starting PSLE Year Right

It’s finally the year – the year that your child is sitting the PSLE! In Singapore, it’s common for parents to feel stressed (sometimes even more than their child) as the PSLE, the first major exam in their educational journey, approaches. But amidst the whirlwind of preparation and “kiasu” tendencies, do you know what you [...]

2024 JC Cut-Off Points: O Level L1R5 For Singapore JCs

Are you planning which JC to go to? Or is there already a school that you are eyeing and you want to gauge if you can get in? JC cut-off points provide a critical benchmark for letting students know their chances of getting into a particular school. In this article, we take a look at [...]

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