Parents, How Can You Support Your Child Through PSLE?

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is the first education milestone for children in Singapore, and it is often a source of pressure and stress for parents and students alike. Sometimes parents might be even more affected by the upcoming PSLE than their child, simply because parents understand the weight of this examination – while the child may not.

So, it can be tough managing your own expectations as a parent, while also supporting your child in a way that can help them maximise their potential but not overly stress them out. Different parents will have different beliefs and approaches, ranging from the “Tiger Mom” to the “hands-off” parent. But if you are one of those who are still not too sure about what you can do, we offer some advice – especially if you are a first time parent of a PSLE-taking child!

1. Demonstrate time management and planning

Children at age 11 or 12 may not yet be independent enough to keep track of all the important dates like school exams or the PSLE exams. As a parent, it is good practice to stay on top of these key timelines and help your child plan their time in the lead up to each event.

Spend some time filling in a calendar with your child and showing them how to plan their time for revision. For example, you can allocate one chapter of one subject for each day, or one practice paper each day. Check in often to see if your child can follow the plan or if it needs to be adjusted, and provide affirmations or rewards accordingly.

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2. Stay in the loop with your child’s teachers

Our tutor providing feedback on a student’s progress to their parent.

Your child’s teachers are the ones with the best knowledge of your child’s academic abilities, so it is useful to communicate with them regularly to understand your child’s performance in school and ways you can support their learning at home.

If you prefer even more coaching and individual feedback for your child, engaging a tutor can provide additional feedback points for your child’s learning. At Future Academy, we offer small group tuition classes so that every child receives personalised attention and guidance, something that not all school teachers can provide. As such, tuition classes may be a solution to keep a closer eye on your child’s studies.

3. Talk to your child about expectations

As mentioned, the PSLE is often a big concern for parents because they know that the exam impacts their child’s secondary school options. However, the child may not clearly understand the importance of this exam. How you talk to your child about this exam can directly affect their perception of it.

By explaining to your child that it is a very important exam, your child may feel more motivated, but they may also feel more stressed. Instead of focusing purely on their results, you may want to recognise your child for their efforts, improvement, and attitude towards learning. Most importantly, teach them to have a healthy outlook towards their studies and assure them that their worth and your love for them is not based on their academic achievements.

4. Encourage a balanced lifestyle

At this point in time, your child’s PSLE performance may feel like a huge deal. However tempted you may be to pour hours of their day into studying, do remember that studying is not everything there is to life. Your child needs play, rest, and time for socialising as well. By incorporating these activities into their routine even towards the exam, you are teaching your child to plan their time for these important activities.

Ultimately, having healthy habits will also boost your child’s mental abilities – so it is safe to say they will not be sacrificing their studies by spending time on exercise, sleep, and family.

5. Provide the resources

Not every parent has the time or mental capacity to coach their own child in their studies. But you can still support your child in their studies by ensuring they can get access to academic help – whether it is by engaging a PSLE Math tutor for them or sourcing for assessment books for them.

Even something simple like ensuring they have the necessary stationery, textbooks, and a quiet study area can go a long way in showing your child that you support their studies.

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Supporting your child through the PSLE is not about forcing your child to sit down and study for hours on end. The ways we have mentioned, including signing your child up for PSLE Science Tuition classes, are a variety of ways you can provide holistic care and support for your child as they prepare for their first milestone examination.

When it comes to the academic side of things, you can leave it to us! We help your child pick up the necessary skills and content to excel in the PSLE, through interactive and engaging small group classes. If your child is taking the PSLE next year, do consider joining us in our PSLE Holiday Crash Course starting in November! From structured revision sessions to carefully selected practice papers, we have it all planned out to provide all the help your child needs to tackle the PSLE with confidence.